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Technology, Media & Telecommunications

Selling goods and services in the field of electronics, software, computers, artificial intelligence, and other industries are related to information technology sector. This segment of industry offers a wide arrange of products to customers and other businesses.
Various ranges of business models are usable in technology industries such as software, hardware, cloud services, internet, ecommerce, consumer electronics, telecom, and infrastructure.
Innovation, creation and growth are at the center of focusing in tech industry. You might have heard the term “BIG FIVE” which is refers to Alphabet (Google), Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Microsoft as the most fundamental firms in communicate and technology. Making a profit of revolutionizing learning strategies, knowledge sharing, and consume goods is the secret of their prosperity.

There are certain strategic opportunities which must be considered by technology organizations in order to resume from crisis and make sure that they can thrive in the future. Redoubling digital transformation efforts, with an emphasis on improving cloud infrastructure, data and analytics capabilities, cyber security, and business model transformation are some beneficial strategy to be applied.
Reorienting and reskilling the workforce to optimize remote work capabilities and take full advantage of advanced technologies or reexamining where and how manufacturing happens, with a focus on improving transparency, and resiliency are just some of advances in technology industry.